Monday 2 May 2016

The Universe, and receiving from it.

You might’ve heard about a book called The Secret, or been lucky enough to come across this video online:
You’ve certainly heard about the universe when scientists talk about its planets and constellations. But what would it really mean if I came to believe that the universe was on my side, or bringing the right people to me at the right time?
The universe can be understood for wellbeing less in a literal sense, and more as a good way of describing anything outside of yourself. That chair you’re sitting on, that sky, that other person. As your friend gets angry with you, things outside of your control are happening. The universe is happening. As it does.
In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne talks about a universe where the waves we emit from our brain – our thought frequencies – are reflected back to us. If we imagine the car we want, and we believe we will get that car, the universe will reflect back our frequency and will give us the car.
The explanation works better with things which aren’t material, like thoughts. If we believe we are unlucky, we will put out signals that we are unlucky and draw unlucky things to us. An unlucky person might only notice the bad things that happen to them and draw more, whereas someone who believes they are lucky would have the opposite, and would be lucky.

How to ask and receive from the universe:
1. Think about what you want in your life frequently.
In order to get material and non-material things we truly want and be truly happy, we need to be clear on exactly what we want. A good way of doing this is a vision board. You could put up a notice board and tear out things from magazines – items you’d like or images which represent a feeling you’d like to cultivate more in yourself.
2. Be prepared for receiving.
If you want to go on a last-minute holiday, get out your suitcase ready to pack. Maybe even pack it! The last thing you’d want would be to receive that thing and then not be prepared to receive it. Being prepared also makes you think about it more, and according to The Secret, draws it to you.
3. Keep a record
Like a gratitude list, when you’ve asked the universe for something and it has provided, keep a record. It will encourage you to think about the things you really want in your life and be brave enough to go for it with confidence that it can and will happen for you.
Buy The Secret at:

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